The Palu pond: a paradise for family walks in Corsica

U stagnu di Palu, paradisu di e spassighjate in famiglia

Get some fresh air around the pond of Palu, the fourth largest of its kind in Corsica. Straddling the municipalities of Serra-di-Fiumorbu and Ventiseri, its 110 hectares along the island’s eastern coast are conducive to beautiful walks as a family or in a couple, or for a Sunday stroll before resuming the week’s work.

This soothing place is perfect for strolling and blowing on Sundays before resuming a week's work or enjoying and sharing a moment with your family.


Its wealth of biodiversity is immediately visible, with many species of waterbirds and plants.

The likely meeting with the only fisherman here, Julien Cugurnon, is a highlight of the visit. He’ll tell you all about fishing for eels and mullet. From these he extracts the eggs, as early as August, to produce the ‘caviar of the Mediterranean’: the famous poutargue.The tour of the pond takes only between 45 minutes and an hour and a half. From the car park above the T10 at the southern entrance of Vix, a path allows access to its perimeter.


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