The art of Brocciu-making with Jean François BRUNELLI, cheese master

A fabricazione di u brocciu incu Ghjuvan’ Francescu Brunelli, capicasgiaghju

With a flock of 120 Corsican ewes and a small cheese dairy in Rotolu on the southern shore of the gulf of Ajaccio, Jean- François Brunelli is Corsica’s only master cheesemaker.

What is evident on meeting Jean-François is his passion and drive – this is a man who is passionate about his work and has been working for several years to educate visitors in the ancestral processes that he uses to make his Bastelicaccia-type cheese and his brocciu, in the purest Corsican tradition in near-century-old copper cauldrons.

Standing in silence in front of him, I watch him give life to the whey, which soon becomes brocciu a few minutes later. He repeats the process from the beginning of November through to the end of June. Brocciu can be enjoyed sweet (in fiadone, donuts, falcelle and ambrucciate) or salty (in omelettes or migliacci). 

Our visit ended with a wonderful tasting of the brocciu and other cheeses... Pure delight!


There are five main types in Corsica: 






Further information

Rotolu - Porticcio
Tel: 04 95 25 00 52


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