A quiz tour with aperitifs through the streets of Ajaccio!

True or false? It's your turn!

It was at 5pm that our guide Pierre André met us in front of Ajaccio’s tourist office. Our group of around 30 people, already in great spirits, was eager to begin this original city tour in the form of a quiz. I hadn’t revised my city knowledge, but I was nevertheless ready to face our guide’s questioning. Wrong answers earn a self-adhesive pellet to be stuck to your person, the aim of the game being to amass as few as possible.

I won’t reveal here the questions asked during the tour (in the Place des Palmiers, beside the citadel and through the alleyways of the old town) – let alone the answers! But I can tell you that often things weren’t what I thought, and that appearances could be deceptive.

As far as the ‘apéro’ aspect of the adventure was concerned, we enjoyed a tasting in the old town at sommelier Raphaël Pierre Bianchetti’s establishment, sampling a few wines from the Ajaccio AOC and learning from Raphael, who could make even amateurs fall in love with viticulture. It’s a visit to do with family and friends or as a couple – playful, informative and filled with laughter.

It’s a visit to do with family and friends or as a couple – playful, informative and filled with laughter.

And to make you want, just a little snippet of the visit:

Further information

Group limited to 30 people maximum. €15 per person with tasting.


Office de Tourisme Intercommunal du Pays Ajaccien

 3 boulevard du Roi Jérôme
 BP 21 - 20181 Ajaccio Cedex 01

Tel : 04 95 51 53 03









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