The Natural Marine Park of Cap Corse and Agriate
A unique and invaluable marine protected area

The marine and coastal areas are home to rich and varied environments. A territory of reproduction, nursery and migratory stages for many species such as, Posidonia meadows, rhodolith, canyons and many more, all taking advantage of the diversity of their habitats.
The diversity of these environments is the basis of many activities (artisanal fishing, leisure, maritime traffic, tourism) and contribute to forge a local maritime identity. Today, the balance is fragile and requires careful management of the environment.
3 objectives
In close collaboration with all the stakeholders of the territory, the Park ensures the balance between the environmental and economic stakes of its maritime territory. It meets three fundamental objectives:
- To better understand the marine environment
- To protect it
- To support the sustainable development of maritime activities
6 major orientations
- Improve knowledge of coastal and marine areas
- Raise awareness. Make people aware of their responsibilities and support them
- Preserve and even restore the integrity of marine and coastal ecosystems
- Contribute to the characterization, evaluation and improvement of water quality
- Make the Park an exemplary model of sustainable and equitable development and open to innovation
- To (re)appropriate the local maritime culture and transmit the passion for the sea
The Marine Park in figures
2 fishing camps
Capu Sagru in the east, Nonza/San Fiurenzu in the West
4 submarine canyon heads
Centuri north, Centuri south, San Fiurenzu and L’Isula
100 km2 Posidonia seagrass beds
One of the most important concentrations of ocean floor in the Mediterranean
2 semi-rigid boats, the Giraglia and the Mergunaghju
11 permanent agents
6 830 km2 the largest marine park in metropolitan France
27 municipalities