Top 10 good resolutions for 2025

Committed, active and responsible holidays

Réserve naturelle de l'étang de Biguglia © OT Bastia Réserve naturelle de l'étang de Biguglia © OT Bastia
As we enter a new year, it's time to set good resolutions for healthy, active, and responsible holidays. Whether you're a sports fan, a nature lover or a fan of slow tourism, discover our top 10 good resolutions that will guide you towards environmentally friendly practices, while allowing you to make the most of your stay in Corsica.

1. I opt for environmentally-friendly accommodation, such as ecolabelled accommodation.


Choose from the list of ecoresponsible accommodation:


L'Ecolabel Européen @ATC L'Ecolabel Européen @ATC


2. I'm exploring rail travel and reducing my carbon footprint


Live our experience on board the "trinichellu", the Corsican train

Plan your train journey on the Chemins de Fer de la Corse website

Le train corse - Voyager responsable @ATC Le train corse - Voyager responsable @ATC


3. I'm taking to the footpaths, exploring new routes, while enjoying a gentle activity

Discovery trails  : Mare à Mare - Mare Monti and the Transhumance Trail


Le sentier du Mare Monti Le sentier du Mare Monti


4.  I explore the different regions of Corsica by bike (traditional or electric), respecting nature and promoting a more sustainable approach to tourism.


La GT20 tout en douceur ©ATC La GT20 tout en douceur ©ATC


5.  I'd like to try water sports that respect the environment, such as scuba diving, kayaking or paddle boarding, taking care not to disturb marine ecosystems.


Plongez dans les eaux corses Plongez dans les eaux corses


Discover  water sports  in Corsica 

Get inspired  "around the water"


6. I favor local and seasonal products, supporting and encouraging short circuits  


Des produits gastronomiques d'exception @ATC Des produits gastronomiques d'exception @ATC



7. I comply with the rules for the protection of flora and fauna during my excursions, avoiding disturbing wild animals and leaving no trace of my passage.


Plage de Ficaghjola à Piana @ATC Plage de Ficaghjola à Piana @ATC


Wether diving or snorkelling, discover the  Responsible Diver Charter


8. I'm committed to preserving the environment by taking part in beach or path clean-up activities


Many environmental associations are involved in beach clean-ups in Corsica. You can find details of their activities and contact details online or on social networks.


9. I'm thrifty and responsible, even on holiday. I sort my rubbish and watch my water and electricity consumption.  




10. I share my experience of responsible travel in Corsica, to encourage others to adopt similar practices on their holidays!


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