• Corsica diving destination

Like a fish in water

Corsica offers a wealth of diving opportunities: exceptional fauna with a large number of aquatic specimens, a protected environment with a wide variety of flora, and a chance to immerse yourself in the island's historic past with its many shipwrecks to visit. You can also discover the UNESCO World Heritage sites. So, whether you're an amateur or an experienced diver, there's always a spot for you! Whether you're diving with tanks or simply with a mask and snorkel, you'll come across the residents of the Mediterranean, such as scorpion fish, mullet and sea bream.  So, what are you waiting for?


Plongée sous marine

Looking for inspiration

Scuba diving, good for the mind, good for the body

Exploring and deep-sea diving in Corsica is a unique experience: you'll discover new sensations, delve into an unknown world, and enjoy both physical and mental well-being. With mild temperatures all year round, whether you're a beginner or an experienced diver, your dives in Corsica will take on a whole new dimension.
Without further ado, immerse yourself with us, and take a look at 5 key reasons to enjoy the many benefits of this exciting sport.


The Corsica regional committee of the French Federation of Underwater Studies and Sports (FFESSM)

Between sea and mountains, the Corsica regional committee of the Fédération Française d'Etudes et de Sports Sous-Marins (FFESSM) represents the federation's national bodies in Corsica and relays the federal policy.

The Corsica regional committee is an association under the law of 1901 that brings together all the associative clubs and approved commercial structures (SCA) under its banner, to promote aquatic and underwater activities. In 2020, it will represent 80 structures and nearly 3,000 licence-holders.


See the FFESSM website: https://www.ffessm-corse.com/presentation-comite-regional-corse



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