Visit of the Cap Corse Conservatory

 SC257i OT M21090810500

All year round, the Conservatoire du Cap Corse de Canari, a unique example of conservatory throughout Corsica, offers two permanent exhibitions in the cellars of the former Saint François convent (16th century) recently restored:
- Traditional Cap Corse costume
- Old photographs:
- Industrial Memory: Since July 2020, a film "L'enfer blanc" is presented.
Testimony of industrial memory, it traces the history of the asbestos factory of Canari.

This small museum presents a panorama of Cap-Corsine clothing from the 19th century (1840 to 1900), and a photo library of Cap Corsine life through the centuries.
You can admire fifteen female and male costumes (servant, fisherman, wedding dresses, etc.) exhibited in the elegant setting of the former Franciscan convent Saint Francis founded in 1506 and recently restored.
All the costumes exhibited were made identically by the sewing workshop of the association Anima Carnarese.
The generally accepted view is that the female costume has always been entirely black. That is not correct.
On the one hand, total black only appeared at the beginning of the 20th century.
In addition, the women, especially those of Cap Corse, land of exchange par excellence, dressed themselves with very varied imported fabrics and bright colors.
The little hands of Anima Canarese made this superb wardrobe by relying in particular on the research carried out by Rennie Pecqueux-Barboni, an ethnologist, author in 1983 of a thesis on the ancient costume in Corsica.
This testimony of the regional clothing heritage is becoming a real tourist asset for the municipality.
This museum became the Conservatoire du Cap Corse with the creation of a photo library from private documents on the life of Canari and Cap Corse.
A space "image" has therefore been inserted in the heart of this museum, where it is possible to visualize photos of yesteryear and today, on the village and the micro - region.

Secretariat of the Town Hall
Opening Period:
- June & September: Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - 10am to 12pm/ 2pm to 5pm
- July to end of August: Every day from 10am to 1pm and from 5pm to 8pm.
- Winter: by appointment.

Prices: Entrance fee: 2 €
Town hall
20217 CANARI


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