A unique flavour: The Clementine.

The natural cross between the flower of the mandarin tree and the pollen of the orange tree, the Corsican clementine is France’s only native variety.

Firm, juicy and seedless, it can be recognised by its 2 glossy leaves and “little green bottom”, a mark of its freshness. The IGP label (indication géographique protégée) it obtained in 2007 ensures customers that there is an authentic link between the product, its region of origin and the traditional savoir-faire of the growers.

Clementine season is short lived: harvested in November to January and picked only by hand, they are essentially grown only in the eastern plains.

130 growers collect about 17,000 to 20,000 tonnes of this fruit each year.

Discover the clementine at:  http://www.clementinedecorse.fr/

And you can find our recipe for clementine bonbons on  facebook

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