The Fangu watershed surrounds the lands of Falasorma and Marzulinu, still marked by traces of the great transhumance between piaghja and muntagna.
Today this territory is a vast area of unspoiled nature, designated a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, where inhabitants, visitors, environmental managers and researchers coexist. The Fangu drains the western slope of one of the highest parts of the great Corsican mountain ridge (Punta Minuta: 2556 m).
Its gorges carved into the rhyolite and its natural bathing areas generate significant summer frequentation.
Some recommendations before you set off...
- make sure you have the basic equipment: good trainers (keep the flip-flops for the beach!), sunglasses, hat or cap, sun cream, sandwiches, a bin bag, at least 1.5 litres of water, a mobile telephone (fully charged!), a first aid kit, and of course a camera so you take some souvenirs home with you.
- Every year there are serious forest fires in Corsica. Help us protect this special environment: Do not leave rubbish lying around - Limit foraging - Do not smoke - Do not camp and do not light fires - Do not disturb the animals.
In the event of strong winds or storms in the mountain, it is not advised and is even forbidden to walk in the forest and swim in the river.
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