Walking in Balagne: Ostriconi beach and the "Ile Rousse" lighthouse

Spassighjata in Balagna : a piaghja di l’Ostriconi e u fanale di L’Isula

It was the day for students from the University of Corte in Balagne to take a little air before their exams. On the agenda was a walk to Ostriconi beach, with an ascent of the lighthouse at Île-Rousse..(Isula Rossa)

We took advantage of a sunny day to enjoy this activity all together and breathe a little before the end-of-year exams. Armed with sunglasses, sneakers and backpacks with our lunches, we set off in high spirits.


The trail and Ostriconi beach

This paradise beach is one of the most beautiful in Corsica, situated at the entrance to the Desert des Agriates. 

To access it, go to Île-Rousse and about 3km after the junction towards Saint-Florent, turn right for the Ostriconi campsite.Then take the steep footpath from the old main road, where you can park your car at the side.

We descended  the path and, after a few minutes, crossed the bridge over the Foce pond. 

 A few meters further on, we arrived at the beach. You have to cross the pond to reach the sea. The water of the pond is a little warmer in the summer and reaches waist height. After a good picnic at the water’s edge, we returned to the car taking the same path.

The Pietra lighthouse at Île Rousse

Parking at the bottom of the path (only accessible on foot) is free. Ensure you wear the right shoes to ascend the lighthouse. 

This lighthouse dates from the 19th century and is located at the highest point of the island of Pietra, connected by a dike at Île-Rousse.


On arrival, the view of the entire peninsula and town is amazing – and at the back of the lighthouse, you can sit on the red rocks to contemplate the sea view.

Further information


The sunsets on the beach of Ostriconi or the lighthouse of Pietra are breathtaking! At Ostriconi, a customs route runs along the coast all the way to St-Florent and offers many small coves for making safe swimming breaks.
