Short easy hike to the Tower of Pelusella near Ajaccio

Short easy hike to the Tower of Pelusella near Ajaccio

Spring is almost here, with nice days more and more frequent and the temperature ideal for discovering new hiking spots in Corsica. So, let’s set off for the Tower of Pelusella, which has the same name as the peak on which it can be found. Today, I’m taking you to the northern point of the Gulf of Lava, in the village of Appietto… From Ajaccio take the road to Calvi until you reach the Col du Listincone, then head towards the beach of Lava which you should reach after a 15-minute drive.


The path starts at the far end of the beach, by the water. You will pass a wayside shrine built by a fisherman, who survived a momentous storm in the 1950s. The path climbs little by little, and it becomes possible to glimpse the blue of the Mediterranean through the vegetation. We are in early spring and already the aromas of helichrysum, broom and scrub fill the air.


A few slippery sections are a reminder that a hike is in the making, and that one’s equipment must be optimal and although this walk is easy on the whole, certain stretches deserve your careful attention as well as good shoes, enough water, and trousers to protect your legs from scratches from the shrubs.


While the path is not marked, a natural trail which guides me through the scrub to the Tower of Pelusella. The hiking trail winds above the water, which is absolutely pristine on this beautiful morning. A red kite follows me for the full ascent. When I get to the top there’s a spectacle waiting for me: the majestic Gulf of Lava, the village of Villanova, I Costi, and the surrounding green mountains, which contrast with the blue of the sea. I decide not to climb the Tower of Pelusella, simply enjoying the panorama on offer. The lucky will wait to see the sunset over the Gulf of Lava...
















Hike duration: 1.5 hours

Level: easy except for a few steep stretches on the hillside, can be done with children.

Unmarked path

Other hikes on the Ajaccio Tourist Board’s site or

on the site of the Regional Natural Park of Corsica