Created in 1972 and classified in 2017 as one of the 51 Parcs Naturels Régionaux of France
Over 365,000 hectares (more than a third of the island area)
145 member municipalities (40% of island municipalities)
Almost 28,000 inhabitants
Located on the highest island of the Mediterranean, the PNRC is essentially Montagnard, including the highest peaks of Corsica, including Monte Cinto (2,706m)
2 coastal areas
A rich and abundant biodiversity, characterised by a high rate of endemism
Numerous ‘Natura 2000’ sites on the park’s territory, including 7 Special Protection Areas
3 Special Conservation Zones managed directly by the mixed syndicate
28 areas of Community importance for the birds identified (37 IBAs present in Corsica)
The park is home to nearly 40% of the 186 ZNIEFFs identified in Corsica
A nature reserve: the RN of Scandola, also a UNESCO World Heritage Site
A biosphere reserve: the Fango Valley
Several classified sites: Gulf of Girolata & Porto, Restonica Valley, Bavella, Inzecca
Two wetlands classified as RAMSAR on its territory: the Moltifau bog, the Palu pond
Over 1,500km of hiking trails, including the GR20, flagship of the Corsican mountains
Participates in the development of nature activities on the island, where he set up the first VTT site as part of the French Cycling Federation
Villages of character, authentic and picturesque
A historical and religious heritage of great interest
A territory rich in traditions
120 agents who participate in the sustainable development of the territory
Immeuble Faggianelli, 19 bd Georges Pompidou
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