Galeria, canoeing on the Fangu

Canoe the Fango biosphere in silence

One of the island's most unspoilt valleys can be explored by canoe, seated in a boat slowly guided by the current. Without a sound, visitors discover a rich and diverse ecosystem, a spellbinding immersion in the Fango delta.

Amplify the senses by imposing silence. Re-learning to observe, to read the landscape through the eyes and ears of a boat guided by the current, alone in a wild and unspoilt environment. The sound of the wind in the reeds, of a cistude tortoise poking its head out of the water, the flight of a dragonfly, the freshness of the air on your skin - a rare and enchanting immersion. A break from the incessant pace of everyday life. Here, in the Fango delta, time passes slowly, as does this peaceful arm of the river between the tumult of the rapids and its mouth on the sands of Galeria.

This special environment is an integral part of the Falasorma Dui-Sevi Biosphere Reserve, the only site on the island to be awarded this UNESCO-recognised label. This is an area that encompasses every stratum of vegetation, from the sea to the mountains, and is also home to numerous economic players and a testing ground for sustainable development.

At the edge of the rocks, canoes are unleashed in dribs and drabs, with only sixteen boats allowed in the area, one at a time. Paddling is not necessary to enjoy the area; the first rule is discretion. Silence is imperative, whispering is tolerated and then you must let yourself be carried along, always keeping a minimum distance between the boats.

Alone among the blooming water lilies, the kayaker slowly soaks up the bucolic atmosphere. The gentle sound of the water is accompanied by the rustle of leaves in the breeze and the orchestrated melodies of birds that are sometimes hard to spot.


In this apparent fullness are played epic scenes, Homeric air battles sometimes stopped by the appetite of a batracian killing the fighters with a tongue stroke. On the riparian, dragonflies sporting a metallic breastplate with red reflections are hunted under the watchful eye of the reptiles carapacés. To capture every detail of this adventure, you will have to be an observer, curious, let yourself be transported and explore the horizon with your eyes. On the water, some flies and spiders progress, watched by malignant trout. From the depths, they rise to swallow these insects in a small eddy. Mules, bass and eels share these warmer waters with them. A simply pretty and fragile ecosystem, which the visitor crosses without leaving any trace of his passage, without any disturbance. A kind of small preserved oasis in the middle of which the canoes only pass, in one direction, then in the other at the time of the return.

A return marking the end of the walk. From this captivating immersion, visitors will keep a wild and soothing memory. Carrying with them the silence and preserving the whispering until the time to take back their vehicles to leave Galeria.



