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About us

Created by the decentralization law of May 1991, and strengthened by the law of January 2002, the Corsican Tourism Agency is the Collectivité de Corse's Industrial and Commercial Public Establishment in charge of tourism policy. Created by law, it defines and implements tourism strategies.


4 key missions

Promote, Develop, Observe, Coordinate: 4 essential missions at the service of Corsican tourism


Promote our island's assets in France and abroad

Communication campaigns, aggressive Internet campaigns, promotional operations, hosting journalists, tour operators and travel agents - the ATC does everything in its power to attract tourists all year round.


Developing and enhancing the tourism offering

Helping project developers, providing financial support, advice and support, our mission is to make our tourism offering competitive, so that we can better welcome our visitors.


Observe and constantly analyze the evolution of tourism on our island

Studies of visitor numbers and image, regular analyses of consumer behavior make the Observatoire du Tourisme a genuine decision-making tool, enabling us to better adapt our tourism strategy to market trends.


Coordinating the various players involved in tourism on our island

Tourist offices, professionals, transporters, consular chambers, marinas, training providers - these are just some of the partners who work alongside the ATC to build a dynamic tourism policy. 


>>Consult our professional website