Montagne et mer : Scala di a Santa Regina - Piana avec Europe Active

Hiking trips designed for you - and with you.

A stay which takes in both the mountains and the sea in the heart of the island, from the magnificent Gulf of Porto through Evisa and the extraordinary creeks of Piana. This is a memorable and very special stay.


Your programme day by day


1 Arrival in Corte

Individual arrival in Corte and check-in at your hotel.


2 Court - Staircase of Santa Régina

A morning taxi transfer will take us to Scala di Santa Regina to reach the start of the hike. Following the route of an ancient mule track carved in granite, we enter the region of Niolo.

About 4h15 of walk with an elevation of +850m and -500m


3 Waterfalls and Radule meadows

We follow the trail of the transhumance (the journey of cattle from the low pastures to the high pastures in summer), cross a Genoese bridge and pass by chestnut mills, The path gradually climbs to reach a chestnut grove and follows the route of the Golo River through laricio pine forests which dot the mineral landscape.

Dinner and overnight in a mountain hotel.

 A 5h55 walk with an elevation of: +900m and -554m.


4 Pools of Aïtone

This hike takes us to the western slopes of the island and through the Vergio pass, and the Aïtone valley and its laricio pine forest. Following the chestnut grove path, we reach the village of Evisa.


About 3h40 of walking with an elevation of: +400m and -850m


5 From Evisa to Porto, by Ota

After a descent through the red rock gorge of Spelunca, we cross rivers over ancient Genoese bridges and enjoy the sensory delights of Mediterranean flora and fauna en route to our destination - the sea and the magnificent Gulf of Porto.


A 5h35 walk and with an elevation of: +650m and -1450m


6 Free day in Porto

A day spent as you’d like, perhaps take a cruise off the creeks of Piana, and discover the Scandola Nature Reserve, or Girolata, a small village accessible by sea. Stay the night at the same hotel.


7 Porto to Piana

Between the maquis and sea, cross the famous creeks of Piana and enjoy superb chestnut groves and breathtaking views of the Gulf of Porto. We then walk to the heart of the village of Piana.

A 3h50 walk with an elevation of: +900m and -600m


8 Piana

The stay ends after breakfast. You can reach Ajaccio by bus (be aware that there is no weekend bus service, except in July and August).


Departures every day from mid-April to the end of September.


  • Corte.


  • Piana.


  • In lodges and 2-star hotels (double rooms).

Number of participants

  • From two people.


  • Hikes are generally from 4h to 5h of walking on good trails, but participants should be of a good fitness level.


  • Transport for luggage is provided each day. You need only take your daily requirements with you (picnic, camera, bath towels etc ...).


Further information


  • Single room supplement: €475
  • Supplement July - August: €65



The price includes


  • 7 breakfasts, 2 dinners, 1 picnic
  • Nights in rooms for two people
  • Luggage transfer
  • Guidebook, hiking maps, GPS tracks via our app (a smartphone is necessary)
  • Support available at all times.



The price does not include


  • Transport to and from the meeting point
  • Unplanned transfers
  • Meals not included in the programme (above), drinks
  • Insurance
  • Site visits
  • Optional activities on the programme
  • Personal expenses


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